Dodge Ram V DT (2019+)

Depending on the year of manufacture and body type, the attachment points may vary slightly.

Front bumper


-open the hood.

-unscrew the screws and release the fender liner (front).

-on the right side, disconnect the connectors from the electrical equipment.

-from the back of the bumper, from the side of the engine compartment, unscrew three nuts on each side that secure the bumper amplifier to the brackets (or two screws on each side that attach the brackets to the spars).

-with an assistant, pull the bumper forward.

Dodge Ram V DT (2019+) front bumper attachment points


Rear bumper

-on the left side behind the bumper, disconnect the electrical connectors (note that you need to pull out the latches).

-from the bottom, unscrew two screws (may be nuts) on each side that secure the amplifier to the frame.

-remove the license plate together with the frame and Unscrew the two nuts behind them.

-with an assistant, pull the bumper back.

Dodge Ram V DT (2019+) rear bumper attachment points

Dodge Ram V DT (2019+) rear bumper mounting scheme


How to remove front and rear bumper Dodge Ram (1994-2002)

How to remove front and rear bumper Dodge Ram (2002-2008)

How to remove front and rear bumper Dodge Ram (2009-2018)