BMW X3 I (E83) (2003-2010)

Front bumper


-if you have headlamp washers, remove the injector and remove the cover.

-open the hood.

-under the hood, unscrew the four screws (spun down) and remove the cover.

-under the panel unscrew the four screws (spun down) that secure the upper part.

-remove trim strips in the doorway fog lamps.

-unscrew the screws for the plates.

-unscrew the screws around the perimeter at the bottom.

-wrenched the wheel left or right, depending on which side of the bed will disassemble.

-in the wheel wells, unscrew the screws and peel the fender liner.

-attach the fender liner to the side and wrenched the screws (spun upwards) holding the corners to the wings.

-assistant free the bumper from the latches and pulls on itself.

-remove the connector from the fog lamp (if any).

-remove the connector from the Parking assist sensors (if any).

front bumper mounting scheme BMW X3 (E83)

front bumper mounting scheme BMW X3 (E83)

front bumper mounting scheme BMW X3 (E83)

front bumper mounting scheme BMW X3 (E83)

front bumper mounting scheme BMW X3 (E83)

front bumper mounting scheme BMW X3 (E83)

Rear bumper

-open the trunk lid and in the corners of the opening, remove the plastic lining (keep latches).

-for pads unscrew one screw on each side (twisted upside down).

-wheel arches unscrew two screws on each side and removed the wheel arches (so as not to remove the wheels easier to turn a ratchet with a nozzle).

-attach the fender liner to the side and unscrew one screw on each side (spun upwards) holding the corners to the wings, and two screws attaching the bumper to the brackets.

-at the bottom, Unscrew the two screws and the bottom of the skirt in the corners, and two plastic nuts.

-with the assistant release the latch in the wings (pull the corners away) and pulls the bumper itself.

-remove the connector from the parking assist sensors (if any).

front bumper mounting points BMW X3 I (E83) (2003-2010)

mounting points for the rear bumper BMW X3 (E83)

rear bumper mounting scheme BMW X3 (E83)


How to remove front and rear bumper BMW X3 F25

How to remove front and rear bumper BMW X3 G01