Depending on the year of manufacture, the mounting points may differ.

Front bumper


-Unscrew the nuts in the wheel arches.

-around the perimeter of the lower part, we Unscrew the screws and pull out the pistons that attach the protection and the lower part of the bumper.

-Unscrew the four nuts that attach the bumper booster to the spars.

-with an assistant, we pull the bumper forward (look for the wires).

-disconnect the connectors from the fog lights.

Front bumper mounting diagram for Lincoln Navigator (1998-2002)

Front bumper mounting diagram for Lincoln Navigator (1998-2002)

Front bumper mounting diagram for Lincoln Navigator (1998-2002)



Rear bumper

-open the trunk lid.

-in the opening of the trunk, we pull out the pistons.

-from the bottom side, we Unscrew the screws that attach the bumper to the panels.

-from the bottom side, we Unscrew two nuts on each side, which attach the sides of the bumper to the fenders.

-pull the bumper back (look for the wires).

-disconnect the Parking meter connectors (if present).

Rear bumper mounting diagram for Lincoln Navigator (1998-2002)

Rear bumper mounting diagram for Lincoln Navigator (1998-2002)

Front bumper mounting diagram for Lincoln Navigator (1998-2002)

Rear bumper mounting diagram for Lincoln Navigator (1998-2002)


How to remove the front and rear bumper Lincoln Navigator (2003-2006)

How to remove the front and rear bumper Lincoln Navigator (2007-2017)